Private Parties & Events
We love that you're thinking of having a party at Garphish!
We are a neighborhood brewery that takes pride in being welcoming to families and friends of all ages. We look forward to hosting your event, and hope to provide a safe, family-friendly environment for you and our patrons. If you have any questions about our policies or practices, please reach out to Thank you for using Garphish Brewing Company for your event!
Private Party Information
Upon agreeing to a private party at Garphish Brewing Company, I (the party) agree to comply with the following:
Our private/reserved party hours:
Tuesdays & Wednesdays: 4 pm-10 pm
Fridays & Saturdays: 10 am-11 pm
Mondays and Tuesdays are by inquiry only.
Deposit rates are as follows:
Party of up to 20 = $60 an hour
Party of 20-30 = $70 an hour
Party of 40 (max during business hours) = $80 an hour
Parties that wish to inquire about utilizing entire facilities (i.e. closed door parties) are subject to different rates
The deposit is meant solely to ensure that party members are consuming and purchasing a reasonable amount of retail in order to justify a multiple-table reservation.
Deposit will be credited to party tab upon the following conditions:
Amount of beverages/merchandise purchased + 20% tip has met/exceeded amount of
deposit. (i.e. a 2 hour party of 20 = $120.00 deposit. $100 in beverage sales + $20.00 tip = deposit used toward tab.)
Party has caused no damage and has stayed within agreed upon time constraints
Party has complied with outside food/drink agreement
Party members will be respectful to staff and other patrons, any compromise of taproom rules, including but not limited to: over-consumption, outside beverages, etc. or private party standards can result in loss of deposit and/or eviction of premises.
Party will be responsible for all outside food, including containers, coolers, plate ware/silverware, serving utensils, set up and clean up. Due to health code standards, party may not utilize company equipment for keeping outside food at certain temperatures.
No outside beverages may be brought onsite. This includes all liquor and soda, as we have a full beer menu and soda taps. Due to our taproom licensure, we will be forced to end any party agreement that violates this term.
Party may arrive 1 hour early to set up agreed upon number of tables and decorations, and must have all decorations, food, etc. taken down and cleaned within 1 hour of the party’s agreed upon end time. Party area is designated near the stage, and all decorations, food, and set-up must remain in the designated space.
• All members of the party will be asked and required to provide a valid driver’s license to be served at Garphish Brewing Company. Any underage party member, party member with alcohol restrictions, or absence of legal license identification will be served soda. Garphish Brewing Company reserves the right to refuse service to any patron, including party members, for any reason, including overconsumption, invalid ID, etc. Due to our taproom licensure, we will be forced to end any party agreement that violates this term.
• As agreed upon by your event booking, and depending on the party size, Garphish Brewing Company may provide a beertender that will serve party members. Garphish Brewing Company does not open Sundays, nor do we host private parties on Sunday.
If the set-up timeframe or party timeframe is outside of regular business hours, deposit will include a non-refundable additional charge to cover the cost of labor needed to staff the taproom accordingly.